
German-Bulgarian food & biodiversity exchange

So, 1.8.2021 15:00 Uhr bis So, 8.8.2021 19:00 Uhr
Treffen Seminar Online
So, 1.8.2021 15:00 Uhr bis
So, 8.8.2021 19:00 Uhr
Lüneburg / online

Kleingartenverein am Schildsteinweg

21339 Lüneburg
Kontakt: Miriam Winzer
04131 2472831

Deutsche Zusammenfassung:

Wir suchen dich! Hast du Lust, an einem deutsch-bulgarischen Austausch mit gemeinsamen Emotionen, Teamwork, neuen Bekanntschaften und praktischer Umsetzung von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung teilzunehmen?

Mit unseren Partnern aus Bulgarien - CVS-Bulgaria und Фондация ЕкоЦентрик / EcoCentric Foundation - und Wir.Lernen.Natur in Lüneburg laden wir zu EcoNaOn ein! Neben dem Online-Austausch am 1. und 8. August steht in Lüneburg der Entwurf und Bau einer Bildungs-Kräuterspirale an - unser Wissen und Erfahrungen tauschen wir dann in einer "Human Library" mit unseren bulgarischen Freund*innen aus. Nächstes Jahr können wir uns dann hoffentlich gemeinsam live in Lüneburg und Sofia treffen.

EcoNaOn - What is it?

EcoNa is a German-Bulgarian project on education for sustainable food. In both countries we learn and work around the topic and have developed innovative educational material around the topic - e.g. interactive city tours, illustrations and a hidden picture. Digitally, activists from Bulgaria and Germany exchange on topics like permaculture gardening, food waste or education for sustainable development. More information on the project you can find here in German and here in Bulgarian.

Due to COVID19 restrictions, this year the exchange will take place between 1st and 8th August and will be blended: offline local activities in Germany and Bulgaria and an online exchange between the German and the Bulgarian participants. Please see the detailed draft program below!

Next year, we aim to meet live in two youth exchanges. One week in April / May 2022, we will discover Sofia and its surroundings, and one week in August / September, we will get to know Lüneburg and its surroundings - and learn about sustainable food, empowering projects and exchanging ideas. So you will have the chance to meet some of the other participants in reality next year and exchange more intensely face to face, if you want!

We are looking for you if you are:

  • Interested in urban gardening
  • Intrigued by the concept of Human Library
  • Nature lover interested in the concept of education for sustainable development
  • Motivated to spend some offline time learning by doing
  • Motivated to share your experience online with German/Bulgarian participants
  • Able to communicate in English

Please note that participants of all ages are welcome in the exchange, however the priority will be given to those between 16- 30 years. The participation is free of charge and all costs are covered (food, materials, transportation expenses to the venue). You can register via this Google Form.


The first and last day (1st and 8th of August), we will gather online with all participants from Bulgaria and Germany.

On 6th and 7th of August, in Sofia (Bulgaria) we will dedicate the activities on urban gardening in Plana mountain close to Sofia and on the Human library at the Farmers Market.

On 5th, 6th and 7th of August, In Lüneburg (Germany) we will dedicate the activities on developing and constructing an educational herb spiral in the educational garden of “Wir.Lernen.Natur”.

Please take a look at our visual map of the activities and the detailed draft program.

Visual map EcoNaOn (Final).png