Educational Garden Installations

Experiences from Bulgaria & Exchange


** This online meeting will be held in english**

Im Projekt EcoNa möchten wir deutsche und bulgarische Ernährungs-Interessierte, urbane Gärtner*innen und Umweltaktive verbinden und uns gemeinsam für eine nachhaltige Ernährung einsetzen!

In diesem digitalen Treffen wird uns Maria von der Zaedno Foundation von ihrer langjährigen Erfahrung mit Garteninstallationen in Kindergärten und Schulen erzählen: Was braucht es, damit eine solche Installation nicht nur ein Hochbeet mit ein bisschen grünem Kraut ist, sondern ein Lernort?

Wir lernen neues und tauschen unsere Erfahrungen aus den verschiedenen Kontexten aus. Melde dich unter, um die Zugangsdaten zu bekommen!

Stimmt euch hier schon mal mit Marias Worten ein:

This is a story about a dream come true, for a cause that started in 2009 with an apple seed, a biodynamic farmer who taught us how to learn from Nature, and a child who persistently asked us on which tree the tomatoes grew.
This is a story about the desire to re-establish our own connection with Nature, to learn how to live, learn and work with nature.
This is a story about a brave idea - to invite Nature to the big city and together with the children to teach the art of growing a delicious harvest creating oases of abundance among concrete complexes.
This is a real life story in which we will tell you about how wonderful and inspiring an adventure it is to create an edible garden in the yard of the kindergarten or school and to turn it into a Growing Classroom, where children find lessons in everything. And how amazing is to create garden design with vegetable beds, paths, watering systems, and organic compost - and actually to cultivate attitude, joy, love and inspiration, or to plant tomatoes and zucchini - and to cultivate virtues, or to sow the seeds of fragrant
herbs and colorful flowers, and finally - to reap an abundant harvest of friendship, solidarity and inspiring lessons from nature for all.
This is the story which we have been implementing for 10 years together with more than 50 kindergartens and schools across the country, and even today, it continues to enrich the lives of many of children and their communities, and we sincerely believe that this is just the beginning, and the best is yet to come.